CPD Papers, Issue 69: Sept 2014

A CPD not to be missed is being presented by the Bar Association on 16 September 2014.
In recent years in Queensland we have seen a number of high profile cases that have attracted significant media attention. It is an increasing trend that barristers are often thrust into the media limelight and confronted with the often challenging task of dealing with the media. That challenge is one that most of us are not trained for and for many is instinctively foreign to us.
The seminar is aimed at equipping barristers to better deal with the media, particularly in high profile cases, how to respond to requests for interviews, door stops, media releases and other key issues.
We are privileged to have just the right person to address us on his experiences in these matters. Michael G. Chalos is a partner at K&L Gates, LLP in New York. He specialises in maritime law and environmental civil and criminal law. He has been practising maritime law for more than 35 years.
Among his many experiences and achievements, Michael has represented a number of clients involved in high-profile civil and criminal environmental litigation, including Captain Joe Hazelwood, the master of the Exxon Valdez.
Readers will recall that in 1989, the Exxon Valdez ran aground, discharging some 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound in Alaska. Captain Hazelwood was widely blamed for the oil spill and was charged with being intoxicated at the time. He was successfully defended by Michael Chalos and was acquitted of all felony charges, but convicted on a lesser misdemeanor charge of negligent navigation, resulting in a fine and community service.
It is hopefully not overstating it to say that a media maelstrom surrounded the incident, and Michael Chalos found himself in the middle of it. His experiences from that and other high profile cases should serve as valuable lessons for any barrister involved in a case in which the media takes an interest.
Michael has not only developed expertise in dealing with the media in high profile cases, but is one of the most entertaining and engaging speakers one is likely to encounter.
Fleming QC, who has himself not a little involvement with high profile cases, will provide the commentary on Michael’s paper.
I recommend the seminar to all. Details appear below.
Bar Association of Queensland’s ADR Conference
This year’s conference will be a multi layered approach with Keynote Speakers and presenters from the UK and Sydney. They, together with eminent local presenters, will combine to make this a “MUST ATTEND” conference for mediators, negotiators and ADR practitioners.  Mark your diaries now!
Date: Saturday 8 — Sunday 9 November 2014
Presenter: Masterclasses with International, National and Local ADR practitioners
Venue: Sheraton Resort, Noosa
Accreditation: BAQADR14, 9 CPD points, Ethics, Advocacy and Mediator Strands
Junior Bar Advocacy Course — Mock Cross Examinations Session C Compulsory Pupils Seminar — Please note all three parts are compulsory
Date: Saturday, 13 September 2014
Time: 9.30am — 4.00pm
Venue: Family Court of Australia, Harry Gibbs Commonwealth Law Courts Building, Corner North Quay and Tank Streets, Brisbane
Presenters: Judges, Barristers and Psychiatrists will take part as coaches and experts.
Accreditation: BAQ1418C, 1 CPD point per hour (9 CPD points for entire course, includes Advocacy and Ethics Strands)
Current Legal Issues Seminar IV Some Issues in the Law of Contract Interpretation in Australia
Date: Monday, 22 September 2014
Time: 5.00pm — 6.30pm, followed by refreshments
Venue: Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane
Chair: The Hon. Justice May, Family Court of Australia, and President, Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration
Presenter: The Rt. Hon. the Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice, England and Wales
Accreditation: CLI144, 1.5 CPD Points, Non-allocated Strand
Sports Law Conference
Date: 20 September 2014
Time: 8:30am-12:00pm
Venue: Gibbs Room, Bar Association of Queensland, Ground Floor, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, Brisbane
Chair: Hon Justice Colin Forrest, Family Court of Australia
Presenters: Hon Justice Patrick Keane, High Court of Australia; Graham Turnbull SC, NSW Bar; Mike Mulvey & Jade North, Brisbane Roar
Accreditation: SLC140920, 2.5 CPD points, non-allocated strand
Bar Association of Queensland’s ADR Conference
This year’s conference will be a multi layered approach with keynote speakers and presenters from the UK and Sydney. They, together with eminent local presenters, will combine to make this a “MUST ATTEND” conference for mediators, negotiators and ADR practitioners. Early bird closes Friday, 5 September. Register now to secure your place!
Date: Saturday 8 — Sunday 9 November 2014
Presenters: Masterclasses with International, National and Local ADR practitioners
Venue: Sheraton Resort, Noosa
Accreditation: BAQADR14, 9 CPD points, Ethics, Advocacy and Mediator strands
ABA Appellate Advocacy Course
Date: Friday 12 — Sunday 14, September 2014
Venue: Federal Court of Australia, Law Courts Complex, Queens Square, Sydney
Accreditation: ABAAD14, 1 CPD point per hour, Advocacy strand
Junior Bar Advocacy Course — Mock Cross Examinations Session C
Please note the course is compulsory for pupils.
Date: Saturday, 13 September 2014
Time: 9.30am — 4.00pm
Venue: Family Court of Australia, Harry Gibbs Commonwealth Law Courts Building, Corner North Quay and Tank Streets, Brisbane
Presenters: Judges, Barristers and Psychiatrists will take part as coaches and experts.
Accreditation: BAQ1418C, 1 CPD point per hour, Advocacy strand
Media and the Law
Date: Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Time: 5.00pm — 6.00pm
Venue: Bar Association of Queensland, Gibbs Room, Ground Floor, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, Brisbane
Chair: Adrian Duffy
Presenter: Mike Chalos, K & L Gates, New York, USA
Commentator: Ken Fleming QC
Accreditation: BAQ1423, 1 CPD point per hour, Practice Management strand
Current Legal Issues Seminar IV – AIJA Oration: The Jackson Reforms and Civil Justice
Date: Monday, 22 September 2014
Time: 5.00pm — 6.30pm, followed by refreshments
Venue: Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane
Chair: The Hon. Justice May, Family Court of Australia, and President, Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration
Presenter: The Rt. Hon. the Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice, England and Wales
Commentator: Shane Doyle QC, President
Accreditation: CLI144, 1.5 CPD Points, Non-allocated Strand
Workers Compensation Appeals
Date: Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Time: 5.00pm — 6.00pm, followed by refreshments
Venue: Bar Association of Queensland, Gibbs Room, Ground Floor, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, Brisbane
Chair: Stuart Sapsford
Presenters: Commissioner Glenys Fisher and Representatives from Workcover
Peter O’Neill
Peter Rashleigh
Stephen Grey
Accreditation: BAQ1422, 1 CPD Point, Advocacy Strand