News, views, Practice Directions, events, forthcoming national and international conferences, CPD seminars and more …
Invitation to Participate in Evaluation of Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011
The Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011 commenced on 1 August 2011. The Act requires parties commencing certain proceedings in the Federal Court or Federal Magistrates Court to file a genuine steps statement saying what genuine steps they have taken to try and resolve their dispute, or if they have not, the reasons why.
The Attorney-General’s Department of the Australian Government is evaluating the operation of the Act. The Department has engaged Australian Survey Research to conduct a survey on our behalf of key stakeholder groups’ interaction with the Act. The survey provides an opportunity for you to provide feedback on the operation of the Act. For more details about the Act and the evaluation, please click here.
The survey will take at most 10 minutes to complete and your answers will remain completely confidential. If you wish to participate in the survey, please send the following details to
- First name *
- Last name *
- Email address *
- Phone number
- Employer
- State
- Association/body/society through which you heard of this survey
 * Mandatory field
We are also asking clients and litigants to give feedback about the Act. Please encourage your clients to go to to participate in the survey.
If you have any questions about the conduct and content of the survey, please contact Ken Menz on (02) 6141 2674 or or Allison Wood on (02) 6141 3106 or
Call for Volunteers
Dear Hearsay readers,
No doubt, you will have been impressed by the way your fellow members of the Bar have brought you news of new and interesting books coming on the market.
You, too, can be part of Hearsay’s great team of book reviewers.
What happens is that publishers send review copies of the books to your much loved editor. From time to time, an email is sent to our team of volunteers advising of the books available to be reviewed. A mad scramble of emails takes place as would be reviewers scramble for their best books. Then, over days, weeks, months and sometimes even years, a trickle of beautiful reviews find their way back to eventual publication and fame for their author.
When the review has been completed, you get to rightfully retain the book you have earned instead of feeling terribly guilty every time you take it down from the shelf for research purposes.
So, if you want to be part of this best game in town, send an email to expressing your interest.
You won’t regret it.
Stephen Keim S.C.

2013 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
9, 10 and 13 May – various locations
In its seventh year, the 2013 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series will present the nation’s leading legal minds to discuss different approaches of animal law including constitutions and treaties that provide protection for animals, regulatory issues, standing, property status and ethics.
Exploring these legal considerations for the Lecture Series, Voiceless is proud to present our international keynote speaker, Antoine F. Goetschel.
Antoine is a Swiss lawyer based in Zurich with a career focus on animal law. Currently partner at law firm Krepper Knecht Partner, Antoine was previously the animal welfare lawyer for the Canton of Zurich. The first position of its kind worldwide, Antoine represented the interests of animals in criminal cases as a public official.
As the founder and former Director of the Foundation for the Animal and a specialist in human-animal-relationships in Swiss and international law, Antoine has represented animal interests in cruelty cases and played a prominent role in Swiss animal law referendums. He fought successfully for having the “dignity of living beings” protected by the Swiss Constitution and for animals being recognised as non-objects in legislation.
As one of the world’s leading animal rights lawyers and a pioneer in this field, Antoine Goetschel will undoubtedly deliver an inspiring and insightful presentation on the potential future of animal law. Antoine is the keynote speaker for the 2013 Animal Law Lecture Series and will be presenting at all locations.
9 May at Griffith University, Brisbane – register here.
10 May at Clayton Utz, Brisbane – register here.
13 May at Bond University, Robina – register here.
For further information visit .
CPD accreditation:
1 CPD point per hour of attendance.
Strand: Non-allocated
Accreditation codes:
9 May at Griffith University, Brisbane: VALLS130509
10 May at Clayton Utz, Brisbane:VALLS130510
13 May at Bond University, Robina:VALLS130513
32nd Annual ALAANZ Conference: 50 Shades of Aviation
5-7 May 2013, Sheraton on the Park Hotel, Sydney
- Keynote speaker: The Honourable T. F. Bathurst – Chief Justice NSW
- Airports / Security /DNA analysis (bird strike) – Stephen Byron, Managing Director, Canberra Airport; Dr Rebecca Johnson, Head Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics, Research & Collections Division, Australia Museum; Barry Peach, Corporate Risk and Compliance Manager, Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Ltd
- Insurance Session: Greg Rector, Managing Director, Aerosure Asia Pacific Pty Ltd; David Johnston, Partner, Gates and Partners, Singapore
- UAV Session and Panel discussion: James Coyne, Manager, Future Technology and Regulatory Trends, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA); Professor Duncan Campbell, Director of the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queensland University of Technology; Dr Reece Clothier, Senior Lecturer, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University
- International/Domestic Update Session: Nick Humphrey, Legal Advisor, Emirates; Kevin Sutherland, Partner, Clyde & Co LLP US; Richard Davis, Partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers
- Passenger Rights: Michael Gill, Senior Legal Counsel, International Air Transport Association (IATA); Louise-Hélène Senecal, Assistant General Counsel, Air Canada; Kate Eastman SC, Barrister, St James Hall ChambersÂ
- Aircraft Causality – Mock Mediation:Â James Chaplin (Panel Mediator), James Chaplin Mediation Inc, Florida; Stuart Fraenkel, Partner, Kreindler & Kreindler LLP, California; Charles Coleman, Partner, Holland & Knight, San Francisco; Mert Hifzi, Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore LLP, Singapore; Marko Nincovic, QBE, London; Gerard Forlin QC, Barrister, Cornerstone Barristers, LondonÂ
For further information visit the ALAANZ website or access the registration form here.