Reminder to Members – QLS Diary 2010
Members are reminded to ensure their details are correct prior to their submission to the Queensland Law Society for inclusion in the 2010 diary. To view your entry, visit the Association’s website – The details submitted to the QLS will be consistent with those appearing on the website. If any of your details require amendment, please advise the Association in writing, by emailing Becky Smith ( at the Bar Office.
Investigate Before You Invest
The Australian Taxation Office is conducting a national awareness programme, “Investigate Before You Invest” to help taxpayers protect themselves against promoters marketing dodgy tax schemes. The programme is predominantly on-line and in partnership with leaders in the community including professional associations, and other business and tax intermediaries. For more information, go to the Tax Office’s new fact sheet Tax planning – investigate before investing for more detailed advice and information.
TC Beirne School of Law – Current Legal Issues Seminar Series 2009
Current Legal Issues is a new series of seminars which commenced in 2009. The series brings together leading scholars, practitioners and members of the Judiciary in Queensland and from abroad, with a view to:
⢠providing a forum for the critical analysis and discussion of current legal issues;
⢠bringing to bear upon those issues the different perspectives offered by leading members of the Academy, profession and Judiciary;
⢠forging stronger links between academic and practising lawyers in Queensland.
Each seminar comprises a chair, speaker, and commentator. The chair will introduce the speaker and commentator. A paper will then be presented by a leading practising or academic lawyer, and will be subject to a brief, expert commentary. Subsequent debate and contributions from the floor will be facilitated by the chair. Seminar papers will be available in advance at, a website hosted by the University of Queensland. Details of forthcoming seminars are below.
30 July 2009: “The Admissibility and use of Relationship and Propensity Evidence after HML v The Queen (2008) 245 ALR 204”
Speaker: Dr David Hamer, TC Beirne School of Law
Commentator: Th e Hon Justice Holmes, Queensland Court of Appeal
Chair: Peter Davis SC
20 August 2009: “Causation in the Trade Practices Act”
Speaker: Liam Kelly SC
Commentator: Mr Glen Owbridge, Australian Government Solicitor, Brisbane
Chair: The Hon Justice Applegarth, Supreme Court of Queensland
17 September 2009: “Judicial attitudes to judicial review: A comparative examination of justifications offered for restricting the scope of judicial review in Australia, Canada and England”
Speaker: Dr Anthony Cassimatis, TC Beirne School of Law
Commentator: The Hon Justice Kiefel, High Court of Australia
Chair: Walter Sofronoff QC, Solicitor General for Queensland
CPD 17: Disclosure – Using it to your advantage in the Federal Magistrates Court – 17 June 2009
Federal Magistrate Michael Burnett is the presenter of CPD Seminar 17: Disclosure – Using it to your advantage in the Federal Magistrates Court which will take place in the Bar Common Room, Inns of Court on 17 June 2009. Jacoba Brasch will chair the session which aims to provide practical insights on using disclosure. A range of topical issues will be discussed including:
- Overview and application of the Rules
- The importance of proper forensics and assessing probative value
- Avoiding mistakes and missed opportunities
- Benefits to the client and court in briefing counsel early
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE to email Celeste at the Association.
CPD 18: Managing Disciplinary Complaints – 23 June 2009
John Briton, Legal Services Commissioner, Michael Byrne QC, Vice President of the Bar Association of Queensland and Chair, Professional Conduct Committe and Robert Bain QC, Member, Professional Conduct Commitee and Member, Legal Practice Commitee are the presenters of CPD Seminar 18: Managing Disckiplinary Complaints which will take place at the Bar Common Room, Inns of Court on 23 June 2009.
The session will provide an overview to the management of complaints — from the perspective of the Legal Services Commissioner, the Bar Association and the Legal Practice Committee. Presenters will discuss how to avoid complaints being made, how to respond when a complaint is made and what steps to take when those alarm bells start to ring. The role of education, the public interest and the independent responsibility of the Bar will also be explored. How a barrister (of any level) can address potential concerns and seek the assistance of others will be considered. This informative session is designed to generate general discussion of problems from a range of perspectives in the Bar.
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE to email Celeste at the Association.
ABA Conference, Strasbourg and London – 26 June to 1 July 2009
Due to the size and nature of the venues in both cities, members are advised that it has become necessary to impose a limit of 200 on places for registrants. Over 400 people have already expressed an interest in attending and over half of the places have already been taken. Members are urged not to delay in returning the registration form.

The conference will commence in Strasbourg on 26 June with a full day session in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and will conclude with a Gala Dinner at Lincoln’s Inn, London on 1 July 2009. It is accredited by the Bar Association of Queensland for CPD purposes and members have the opportunity of securing 10 points by attending. Please send your full contact details to Dan O’Connor by facsimile to (07) 3236 1180 or by email to
Fulbright Symposium – US-AUS Free Trade Agreement – 24 & 25 August 2009
The economic and relationship impact of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement will be the focus of the Fulbright Symposium to be held in Canberra on 24 and 25 August 2009.
Organisers Dr Robert Burrell and Ms Kimberlee Weatherall from UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law said the symposium will assess the real impact of the agreement and raise debate over whether such an agreement has any economic or political relationship benefits. The symposium will cover a broad range of policy areas in the agreement including intellectual property, agriculture, television and film content and funding rules, pharmaceutical and health policy. For more information contact Teola Marsh on (07) 3365 2523 or email
ACCAL 4th Annual Conference – 31 August and 1 September 2009
The Australian College of Community Association Lawyers 4th Annual Conference will take place at the Surfers Paradise Marriott, Gold Coast on 31 August and 1 September 2009. Members will be accredited 1 CPD point per hour of attendance. For more information please contact Nina Psaltis, General Manager of ACCAL on (07) 3848 2328 or email or visit the ACCAL website at
High Court Wit
From Lane v Morrison & Anor [2009] HCATrans 69 (22 April 2009):
GUMMOW J: You seem to agree with each of us.
MR STREET: I am seeking to be agreeable, your Honours.
GUMMOW J: But that has diminishing returns.
MR STREET: Yes, your Honours, to the extent relevant – – –
GUMMOW J: It avoids the immediate cyclone, but it does not avoid total disaster.”