LEADR mediation workshops – Brisbane 2011
Tues 21—25 June 2011
Tues 11—15 October 2011
LEADR mediation workshops are recognised throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific for the high quality program design, the interactive and experiential emphasis of the training activities and the exemplary skills of its facilitators.
This mediation workshop runs over five consecutive days meets the training requirements to progress to accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation System and for accreditation with LEADR. It offers:
- A proven mediation process adaptable to different types of mediations
- Sound theoretical frameworks in which to embed process and skills
- Essential communication skills to explore issues and reality test
- Practical tools to keep parties focused
- Strategies to generate options and to break impasses
- Nine mediation role plays
- Personalised feedback from highly skilled mediators
- Carefully chosen and varied learning activities including plenary sessions, syndicate group discussions, simulations, fishbowls and video clips.
2011 Mediation workshops fees:
Early bird fee: $2838 incl GST (1 month prior)
Standard fee: $3113 incl GST
For further information visit http://www.leadr.com.au/mediationtraining-qld.htm
Call for papers and workshop sessions — ‘kÉÅ grÉs 2011
LEADR invites you to submit an abstract for a research or practice paper or a workshop session for ‘kÉÅ grÉs 2011.
LEADR is seeking presentations which contribute to excellence in the practice and delivery of ADR in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region.
We invite presenters to provide challenging material based on new research, innovative practice or skills extension and to develop questions and activities to inspire discussions and provoke participants to consider implications for their practice and research.
We hope that presenters will engage in and encourage conversation with and between attendees.
‘kÉÅ grÉs 2011 will be held Wednesday 7 to Friday 9 September 2011 at the Novotel Brisbane.
Deadline for paper submissions is 23 April 2011.
For more info and submission form >>
Bruno Cappelletti’s 80th Birthday Celebration
A small group gathered at the Biagio restaurant in Red Hill to celebrate Bruno’s 80th Birthday. Bruno is a long term servant and friend of the Queensland Bar Association, its members and Barristers Chambers Pty Ltd.
Prosecutions Clerks 1977
Do any of these faces look familar? You may recognise a Supreme Court Judge, A District Court Judge, a silk, a Crown Solicitor, a Deputy Crown Solicitor and some others.
They are in fact (left to right):
Back: Robert Campbell; Ian Caulfield; Mark Stower; Greg Cooper; Glen Martin
Middle: Pam Hass; Mark Bird; Jenny Price; Mark O’Sullivan
Front: Paul Favell; Sarah Bradley; Ralph Devlin
Heads Up and Date Claimer – Marauding Maroon Super Stars
Following on from the Tri-States Inter-Bar soccer tournament last year at Sydney in which a team from the Queensland Bar competing against teams from Victoria and New South Wales, it ahs been proposed that a Tri-State and one Territory tournament be held at the Gold Coast, Queensland.
It has been suggested that the tournament take place in conjunction with a series of approved CLE events. The current proposal is to hold the tournament on the weekend which contains Saturday 11 September 2011. Work is being done in conjunction with the three other bars to organise the event.
A purpose of this item is to provide a ‘heads up’ to all members of the Bar and to act as a date claimer.
Another purpose is to ask all interested in taking part in the tournament, the CLE program, possible name change for the team or interaction with our Bar and the other three Bars to please contact Dan O’Conner (3238 5100), Paul Favell (3236 2583) or John Selfridge (3112 5233).
The Captain/Coach of the Queensland Bar Team is eager to start skills training as soon as possible after his staring role (along with other members of the Queensland Bar Association) in Macbeth by the Caledonian Theatre Company formed by John Selfridge and Walter Soffronoff QC held at the Visy Theatre at the Brisbane Powerhouse between 31 March and 10 April 2011.
QCF Philanthropy Week 2011
In 2011 the Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) will be conducting the State’s inaugural Philanthropy Week 11 — 15 July 2011. The purpose of the week of activities is to raise awareness of philanthropy, honour those who make an outstanding contribution to the community and encourage support for the State’s charities and community service organisations through sustainable giving.
QCF invites members of the Bar Association to participate in Philanthropy Week activities, in particular to submit nominations for Philanthropy Awards
- Philanthropy Awards Launch — Premiers Hall, Parliament House, 7 April 2011.
- Philanthropist of the Year Awards – nominations are invited for Corporate, Community, Young & Junior Philanthropist. To nominate your candidate visit: http://www.qcf.org.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=VWf5MaYrvBk%3d&tabid=103
- A Corporate Luncheon incorporating presentation of Philanthropy Awards – Stamford Plaza
- A Philanthropy Expo in Reddacliff Place showcasing the many ways of giving and offering free Will making advice for people seeking to make a charitable bequest, Thursday, 14 July.
- A statewide Photojournalism competition featuring the ‘act of giving’. To submit your entry visit: http://www.qcf.org.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=hUe%2bYH9ZUwY%3d&tabid=103
Philanthropy Week 2011 expands on an earlier initiative honouring philanthropic endeavour, when Qantas was the recipient of the 2003 Awards for outstanding community service at the time of the Bali bombing. The 2011 event is particularly relevant in this year of natural disasters and tragedy when the outstanding response of Queenslanders and Australians seeking to relieve the plight of those affected, demonstrates the true spirit of cooperation and contribution in our communities.
For more information: T) 07 3020 7089, M) 0402 918 813, E) enquiries@qcf.org.au.
Subtle Graffiti
This photograph was taken recently outside the Townsville courts complex. Members may notice an interesting subtext.

The Australian Bar Association Conference – Berlin – 3 to 6 July 2011
Expressions of interest are now being taken for the Australia Bar Association Conference to be held in Berlin between 3 July and 6 July 2011.
The Conference will commence in Berlin on the evening of Sunday, 3 July 2011 and conclude with a Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 6 July 2011. The Business sessions will be held at the Adlon Hotel.
The names of those interested will be placed on a Priority List to receive a registration brochure prior to any general mailout. Please send your full contact details to Dan O’Connor at the email address below or by facsimile.
Questions about registration?
Contact Dan O’Connor, ABA Conference Secretariat, Tel: (07) 3238 5100, Fax: (07) 3236 1180, Email mail@austbar.asn.au
Questions about travel?
Contact Ruth Carlton, World Travel Professionals, Tel: (07) 3220 2008, Fax: (07) 3220 2288, Email ruth.carlton@worldtravel.com.au