News, views, Practice Directions, events, forthcoming national and international conferences, CPD seminars and more …
Barristers Work Experience Programme 2011
As members will recall, the Bar Association of Queensland, in partnership with the University of Queensland Law Society (UQLS), has launched a Barristers Work Experience Programme for 2011.
A pilot programme will be held in Brisbane between August and September for second and third year University of Queensland law students. The programme will involve only a short term commitment by members but nonetheless it is hoped that it will provide those considering a career at the Bar with valuable insight into life at the independent referral Bar.
Barristers interested in offering a work experience placement for students in 2011 should contact Ms Michelle Delport, Vice-President, UQLS on mobile 0411 877 181 or email:
To register formally please either email, fax or deliver in person the completed application form to Helene Breene, Level 5 Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, Qld 4000. Fax: 07 3238 5123. Email: by Thursday 30 June 2011.
Roundtable – Trends in Legal Education for Practice: Competing Tensions
Monday, 4 July 2011, 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, Brisbane
The Australian Academy of Law has organised a roundtable of presentations and discussion on important issues arising from recent developments in legal education. This roundtable takes place against the back drop of increasing numbers seeking to enter legal practice after either studying law as their first degree or as graduates of other disciplines. Some of the recent developments include the introduction of the Juris Doctor as a graduate entry degree for legal practice; the Threshold Learning Outcomes for an Australian LLB as identified by the Australian Learning & Teaching Council (ALTC) 2010 Standards’ Project; the potential implications of the revised Australian Quality Framework for undergraduate, honours and postgraduate degrees in law; and growing concern to improve the psychological health of both law students and legal practitioners.
A panel of distinguished speakers will address aspects of this topic. The members of the panel will be:
- Professor Michael Coper, Robert Garran Professor of Law and Dean, ANU College of Law, Australian National University and Vice-President, International Association of Law Schools
- Ms Noela L’Estrange, Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Law Society
- Ms Rachael Field, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology and ALTC Teaching Fellow, Previously Project Officer to the ALTC Learning and Teaching Standards Project: Law
The chair of the panel will be The Honourable Justice John H Byrne RFD, Senior Judge Administrator, Supreme Court of Queensland and Acting Chair, Law Admissions Consultative Committee.
To register as a member of the audience for the roundtable and for light refreshments following the event, please email RSVP by 30 June 2011 to
ALTA Conference 2011Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Sunday 3 July — Wednesday 6 July, Stamford Plaza Hotel
The Australian Law Teachers Association (“ALTA”) will be hosting a conference with the theme “My Lawyer Rules: Assuring legal and education standards”. The theme responds to the current focus on higher education standards for teaching and learning as well as also for research quality. Australia is establishing the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) which will regulate the sector against agreed standards for higher education, and the ALTC Discipline Scholars for Law – one of whom is QUT’s own Prof Sally Kift – have developed threshold learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Laws. Both Australia and New Zealand have established quality assurance processes for measuring the quality of research outputs. The Australian Research Council’s Professor Margaret Sheil will talk about the initial quality assurance exercise in Australia. The theme also responds to the Australian move towards national standards for the legal profession. It is therefore timely to explore the issue of standards for the legal education, and for the legal profession, with Australasian teachers of law.
Keynote Speakers:
- Chief Justice Robert French AC
- The Honourable Justice Raynor Asher
- Professor Peter Coaldrake AO
- The Honourable Justice John H Byrne
- Professor Sally Kift
- Dr Carol Nicoll PSM
- Professor Jill McKeough
- Professor Richard Johnstone
- Professor Margaret Sheil
- Andrew Boe
For full program details visit the ALTA website.
Call for Papers: The 30th annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society
Customs House, Brisbane, 12-13 December 2011.
The 2011 conference theme — “Private Law, Public Lives” – examines the social dimensions of private law in history. Proposals from all jurisdictions are welcome. Proposals on non-theme topics in legal history also welcome.
Highlights of this year’s conference include twin keynote speakers: Professor John McLaren, professor emeritus, Law School, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and author of the forthcoming Dewigged, Bothered and Bewildered: British Colonial Judges on Trial (University of Toronto Press, 2011); and Professor Rosalind Croucher, President of the Australian Law Reform Commission.
Also, by special arrangement with the American Society for Legal History, we will be including a panel from the ASLH, including, among others, Professor Constance Backhouse, Distinguished University Professor, University of Ottawa and President of the ASLH, and Professor Chris Tomlins, Chancellor’s Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine.
Paper proposals, including paper title, abstract (300 words max.) and brief author bio, should be sent by email to the Conference Committee at by 14 July 2011.
Also see conference website:
TC Beirne School of Law Events
July 21 -22 — Private Law Conference
The TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland is proud to host a private law conference on the theme “Private and Public Law – Intersections in Law and Method” . The conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel, 515 Queen Street, Brisbane on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 July, 2011, with the conference dinner taking place on Thursday, 21 July.
The conference will provide a forum for exploring some of the meeting points of private and public law and the increasingly common and often complex intersection between statutory and common law methods for implementing public and private ends.
Registrations are now open, to download a registration form or obtain further information visit the conference website .
July 29-31 — ASLP Conference
The TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland is proud to host the 2011 Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (ASLP) conference on the theme “Natural Law and Legal Obligation”. The conference will be held at the St Lucia campus of The University of Queensland in Brisbane, commencing in the afternoon on Friday 29 July and ending Sunday 31 July.
The conference will provide a forum for members of the Society and others to discuss papers in all fields of legal philosophy.
Keynote speakers for the 2011 conference include:
Michael Detmold, University of Adelaide
Kenneth Einar Himma, Seattle Pacific University
Fred D. Miller, Bowling Green State University
Mark C. Murphy, Georgetown University
Registrations are now open, to download a registration form or obtain further information visit the conference website .
Research Assistant Positions (Part time)Â – ELRU
Would you like to assist the Economics & Law Research Unit (ELRU) in its research projects?
ELRU is a Unit within the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law. Its focus is on research into the dynamic between relevant laws, legal structures and systems and tax regimes and their economic effect.
Research Assistants will be engaged primarily on the Intergenerational Transfer of Assets and the Ageing Population Project. But there is scope for the Research Assistant to be engaged also in aspects of the Regulatory Change Project and other current projects.
Then please forward your details to Andrea Martin at
Earth Jurisprudence: Building Theory and Practice
Australia’s Third Wild Law Conference: 16-18 September 2011, Griffith University
The aim of the conference is to stimulate discussion about what Earth Jurisprudence can offer theories of law and governance, and to create a a space for the rigorous development of international and Australian doctrine in this new field of law.
Speakers include:
- Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, Griffith University
- Cormac Cullinan, Enact International, South Africa and author of the book “Wild Law”
- Other confirmed speakers include:
- Chief Justice Preston, NSW Land and Environment Court
- Professor Doug Fisher, QUT
- Larissa Waters, Senator Elect
- Dr Chris McGrath, University of Queensland
- Jo-Anne Bragg, Qld Environmental Defender’s Office
For further information visit the conference website.
26th annual Calabro SV Consulting Family Law Residential
9—10 September 2011, RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold CoastÂ
The 26th annual Calabro SV Consulting Family Law Residential program, proudly presented in partnership with the Queensland Law Society and Family Law Practitioners Association, is the premier annual conference program for family law practitioners in Australia. In response to delegate feedback, this year’s program features the traditional streams dedicated to children’s issues and property matters. New streams are devoted to practical techniques for advocacy, family law practice management and maintenance of resilience in practice.
Several members will be speaking at the event on various topics:
- Brad Farr SC, Acting Judge, District Court of Queensland – Best practice advocacy: Evidence and preparing for trials
- Guy Andrew – Preparing for a domestic violence hearing: How to effectively and successfully run a domestic violence hearing
- Jacoba Brasch will facilitate an expert panel of family law practitioners in discussing and debating ethical dilemmas for solicitors and barristers
- Federal Magistrate Jarrett, Federal Magistrates Court and James Linklater-Steele – Contravention and contempt
10 CPD points
Register online by 7 September 2011 (Earlybird closes 12 August 2011).
Asia-Pacific Coroners Society 2011 Conference
7-10 November 2011
The theme of this year’s conference is “Australasian coronial systems 20 years after the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: achievements and challenges.” It has been 20 years since the watershed Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. It is widely recognised that the Commission was a catalyst for reform of the coronial systems of Australia. 20 years on, it is appropriate to reflect on how successful those reforms have been and to debate the future direction of coronial systems in Australasia.
Key speakers:
- Hal Wootten AC QC is a former NSW Supreme Court Judge and was a Commissioner to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
- Professor Derrick Pounder is Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Dundee. He has extensive experience in the coronial systems of England and Scotland and also in relation to the investigation of deaths in custody internationally.
- Professor Colin Tatz AO is a sociologist with expertise in indigenous suicide and the coronial system.
Professor Diego De Leo is the Director of the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention and an internationally recognised suicidologist.
- Ian Freckelton SC is an eminent member of the Victorian Bar with extensive experience in the coronial jurisdiction.
Registration details can be found here.
IBA Annual Conference
Registration details and the preliminary programme information are now available for the 2011 IBA Annual Conference.
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, will deliver the keynote speech at this year’s opening ceremony. A seasoned diplomat, Dr ElBaradei served three terms as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); an autonomous intergovernmental organisation under the auspices of the United Nations. He is a staunch advocate of nuclear disarmament, and promotes open and fair standards to guide the peaceful use of nuclear technology for development. In October 2005, Dr ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts ‘to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.’
In 2011, Dr ElBaradei emerged as a high-profile opposition figure in the Egyptian protests that culminated in Hosni Mubarak’s resignation. He continues to be a voice for change in Egypt’s march toward democracy, calling for open dialogue, transparent legal standards and respect for human rights.
The IBA Annual Conference is the opportunity for legal professionals from around the world to meet and discuss key developments across multiple jurisdictions. In the current uncertain economic climate, it is ever more crucial to be fully informed and to the best of our ability. As the global voice of the legal profession, the IBA is uniquely qualified to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to do so.
Register before Friday 29 July to receive the early registration discount.
IBA Awards — calls for nominations
Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year
The IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee is delighted to announce that nominations are now being considered for the Annual Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year Award in recognition of William Reece Smith Jr.
LexisNexis is honoured to sponsor this award, which will include:
free registration for the IBA 2011 Annual Conference, 30 October — 4 November 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates;
a contribution of up to US$5,000 towards accommodation and travel costs to attend the conference; and
one year’s free membership of the IBA, PPID and the Young Lawyers’ Committee.
Nominees will be considered on the following criteria:
professional excellence;
reputation for, or advancement of, legal ethics and professional responsibility;
service to the community — local and further afield; and
other merits similar to the above or considered relevant by the candidate or his/her nominators, such as an innovative approach to their legal practice, including, but not restricted to, pro bono work.
The award will be presented to the winner at the time of the IBA 2011 Annual Conference.
The deadline for nominations is Friday 1 July 2011 . Forms received after this date will not be considered. For further information on the award and how to enter, please click here.
2011 Pro Bono Award
The IBA Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee invites nominations for its prestigious Annual Pro Bono Award 2011, for lawyers who are leading the profession in building a pro bono culture. The winner will be honoured at the IBA 2011 Annual Conference in Dubai from 30 October — 4 November 2011.
LexisNexis is honoured to sponsor this award, which will include:
free registration for the IBA 2011 Annual Conference, 30 October — 4 November 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates;
a contribution of up to US$5,000 towards accommodation and travel costs to attend the conference; and
one year’s free membership of the IBA, PPID and the Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee.
Nominees will be considered on the following criteria:
Dedication — The Committee seeks to recognise pro bono work that exhibits an exceptional level of commitment and dedication to the provision of free legal services and access to justice;
Innovation — The Committee seeks to recognise efforts and pro bono work that have been designed or carried out in an innovative fashion and might serve as a model for others in that jurisdiction and other jurisdictions; and
Impact — The Committee seeks to recognise work, including legislative reform, litigation and transactional representation, that has brought about a significant impact — to an individual, community, group or country, or to the provision of pro bono services generally.
Nominations must be submitted and received by Friday 1 July 2011 . Nominations received after this time will not be considered. For further information about this award and how to nominate please click here.
LEADR mediation workshop – Brisbane 2011

Tues 11—15 October 2011
LEADR mediation workshops are recognised throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific for the high quality program design, the interactive and experiential emphasis of the training activities and the exemplary skills of its facilitators.
This mediation workshop runs over five consecutive days meets the training requirements to progress to accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation System and for accreditation with LEADR. It offers:
- A proven mediation process adaptable to different types of mediations
- Sound theoretical frameworks in which to embed process and skills
- Essential communication skills to explore issues and reality test
- Practical tools to keep parties focused
- Strategies to generate options and to break impasses
- Nine mediation role plays
- Personalised feedback from highly skilled mediators
- Carefully chosen and varied learning activities including plenary sessions, syndicate group discussions, simulations, fishbowls and video clips.
2011 Mediation workshops fees:
Early bird fee: $2838 incl GST (1 month prior)
Standard fee: $3113 incl GST
For further information visit
QCF Philanthropy Week 2011
In 2011 the Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) will be conducting the State’s inaugural Philanthropy Week 11 — 15 July 2011. The purpose of the week of activities is to raise awareness of philanthropy, honour those who make an outstanding contribution to the community and encourage support for the State’s charities and community service organisations through sustainable giving.
QCF invites members of the Bar Association to participate in Philanthropy Week activities, in particular to submit nominations for Philanthropy Awards
Philanthropy Awards Launch — Premiers Hall, Parliament House, 7 April 2011.
Philanthropist of the Year Awards – nominations are invited for Corporate, Community, Young & Junior Philanthropist. To nominate your candidate visit:
A Corporate Luncheon incorporating presentation of Philanthropy Awards – Stamford Plaza
A Philanthropy Expo in Reddacliff Place showcasing the many ways of giving and offering free Will making advice for people seeking to make a charitable bequest, Thursday, 14 July.
A statewide Photojournalism competition featuring the ‘act of giving’. To submit your entry visit:
Philanthropy Week 2011 expands on an earlier initiative honouring philanthropic endeavour, when Qantas was the recipient of the 2003 Awards for outstanding community service at the time of the Bali bombing. The 2011 event is particularly relevant in this year of natural disasters and tragedy when the outstanding response of Queenslanders and Australians seeking to relieve the plight of those affected, demonstrates the true spirit of cooperation and contribution in our communities.
For more information: T) 07 3020 7089, M) 0402 918 813, E)

The Australian Bar Association Conference – Berlin – 3 to 6 July 2011
Expressions of interest are now being taken for the Australia Bar Association Conference to be held in Berlin between 3 July and 6 July 2011.
The Conference will commence in Berlin on the evening of Sunday, 3 July 2011 and conclude with a Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 6 July 2011. The Business sessions will be held at the Adlon Hotel.
The names of those interested will be placed on a Priority List to receive a registration brochure prior to any general mailout. Please send your full contact details to Dan O’Connor at the email address below or by facsimile.
Questions about registration?
Contact Dan O’Connor, ABA Conference Secretariat, Tel: (07) 3238 5100, Fax: (07) 3236 1180, Email
Questions about travel?
Contact Ruth Carlton, World Travel Professionals, Tel: (07) 3220 2008, Fax: (07) 3220 2288, Email