News, views, Practice Directions, events, forthcoming national and international conferences, CPD seminars and more …
The Honourable Justice Kiefel awarded an AC
On 5 October 2011 the Governor-General, as Chancellor of the Order of Australia, invested The Hon. Justice Susan Kiefel with Companion of the Order of Australia (AC). Her Honour was awarded an AC in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for eminent service to the law and to the judiciary, to law reform and to legal education in the areas of ethics, justice and governance.
Book Launch – Betty’s Oxford Short Story and other tales by Cedric Hampson
You are invited to attend the official launch of Cedric Hampson’s latest literary work Betty’s Oxford Short Story and other tales. The event will take place on Thursday 27 October 2011Â from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Banco Court. The evening will feature The Honourable Justice Glenn Martin as MC and Chris Nyst, Lawyer, Author, Film Maker as Guest Speaker.
Please RSVP by Monday October 24 by email: or telephone: 5492 4921
Prolific writer Cedric Hampson brings his masterful talent as a storyteller to these 24 stories of intrigue and suspense.
His writing is characterised by a brooding intensity, whether it be tales of courtroom drama, or of suffering and human despair.
Betty’s Oxford Short Stories and other tales tells of how man realises his ambition without knowing how he affects others.
The Birthday Present is written from the point of view of a child, sadly describing the breakup of her parents. Aunty Audry and Hedda are bittersweet in taste while the Visit by the Sons of Nippon is a short brutal tale.
All stories are individualistic, a writer of keen perception and visualisation, Hampson has often been praised for the distinctiveness of his character vignettes.
For more than forty years Cedric Hampson had few peers in the law. His incisive intellect, fearless advocacy, and unquestioned integrity made him an outstanding leader of the legal profession he so ably served. At the same time he remained always the Renaissance Man, a true humanist whose talents as a scholar, writer and artist, intrinsically informed every facet of his character, his work, and his personal, professional, and social interaction.
Cedric Hampson’s delightfully unaffected short stories reflect a lifetime lived at the climactic edge of human interaction. The one-time courtroom maestro brings the heartfelt empathy of a passionate advocate to these simple tales of human turmoil. By turn tragic, intriguing, and utterly heart-warming, they are a joy to read.
Chris Nyst – Lawyer, Author, Filmaker
Cedric Hampson is an artist whose medium of choice is the word rather than the brush. He paints vivid scenes that entice us to venture into the world of his characters and share the sights, sounds and smells of their surroundings. Cedric’s distinguished career at the bar brings a lifetime of experience and an attention to detail to his writing. A keen observer of humanity, his diverse characters do not present as figures of fiction, but rather as flesh and blood. We recognise them. We share their emotions and they speak to us.
The Honourable Dr David Hamill AMÂ
STEP Qld Trust and Succession Law Conference
The Inaugural STEP Qld Trust and Succession Law Conference held on Friday 2011 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Cairns could not have been more successful, according to Queensland Branch Chair Caite Brewer.
Delegates from as far away as Tasmania and South Australia commented enthusiastically on the relaxed atmosphere, interesting technical papers, experienced speakers, networking opportunities, and the superb location.
Social functions on Thursday and Friday evenings were friendly and relaxed as practitioners from across the state met and engaged in vigorous discussion regarding succession law practice.
Ms Brewer said that the Queensland branch of STEP is proud to have the greatest number of members of all Australian branches, having re-launched the branch in May 2010.
Following the outstanding success of the conference, the STEP Qld committee is already planning future events.
10th Annual Clayton Utz International Arbitration Lecture
The 10th annual Clayton Utz International Arbitration lecture will be given by Essam Al Tamimi on Tuesday, 8 November 2011. Supported by the University of Sydney, the event will be held in the Ceremonial Court of the Federal Court in Sydney and will be presented by video link at Federal Courts in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Perth, as well as being streamed online.
The topic of this year’s lecture is Islamic Influences on International Arbitration. Renowned international arbitrator Essam Al Tamimi will focus on:
- Is there scope for Sharia in international arbitration?
- To what extent is Sharia applicable to international arbitration, either directly or through modern laws?
- Can Sharia be considered as equivalent to the equitable law and the general rules of law and justice that are often applied by arbitrators in international arbitration?
Date: 8 November 2011
Time: 4:00pm
Venue: Brisbane Federal Court Court 1, Level 7 Harry Gibbs Commonwealth Law Courts Building 119 North Quay
Please register by Monday, 24 October 2011 by contacting Samantha Wakefield by phone: (02) 9353 4297 or email:
Participation will enable you to collect one CLE point.
WA Lee Equity Lecture 2011
Thursday 17 November – Banco Court
QUT is proud to host the 2011 WA Lee Equity Lecture. The Hon Justice Margaret McMurdo AC, President of the Court of Appeal, will be presenting the lecture. The Chief Justice The Hon. Paul de Jersey AC will be chairing the evening.
The WA Lee Equity Lecture is held each year in honour of foremost equity and trusts academic and author, Professor Tony Lee. This Lecture is organised by the Faculty of Law in collaboration with the QUT Centre for Philanthropy and Non-Profit Studies and the Queensland Community Foundation.
About the Topic
For the 2011 WA Lee Equity Lecture, Justice McMurdo’s topic is Faith, Hope and Charity: The Resilience of the Charitable Trust From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century.
Her Honour will briefly examine the origin and history of trusts, with a primary focus on charitable trusts. The evolving concept of the notion of charity since the seminal preamble to the Statute of Elizabeth 1601 will then be analysed. Justice McMurdo will then address aspects of the law in Queensland pertaining to that resilient entity, the charitable trust, before discussing its present and future relevance and areas where law reform may be necessary.
About The Honourable Justice Margaret McMurdo AC
Since 2008 her Honour has chaired the Advisory Board to the Institute for Ethics and Governance and Law. She is a foundation fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. She holds honorary degrees from QUT and GU, has been a member of the Zonta Club of Brisbane for over 30 years and is a co-patron of the Indigenous school, Hymba Yumba, and a patron of the Grey Man, an international charity fighting the exploitation and trafficking of children. In 2007 she was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia. Her other achievements include:
â¢Assistant Public Defender – 1978 to 1989
â¢Â Brisbane Girls Grammar School Trustee – 1994 to 1998
â¢Â QUT Faculty of Law Advisory Committee Member – 1991 to Present
â¢Â President of the Queensland Court of Appeal – 1998 to Present
â¢Â Griffith University Council Member – 2003 to Present
Date: Friday, 17 November
Time: 5:30pm for 6:00pm
Location: Banco Court
Further Enquiries: email or call 3138 5208
CPD Points : Attendees may claim one CPD point for this lecture
Not-for-profit lawyer achieves great things
The Queensland Law Society Agnes McWhinney Award was recently presented to seasoned not-for-profit lawyer Suzanne Greenwood for her significant career of achievements.
Presented as part of the Woman Lawyers Association of Queensland’s 2011 Awards Dinner on Friday 9 September, Queensland Law Society CEO Noela L’Estrange said the award recognised Suzanne’s commitment to addressing social issues within the community.
“Suzanne is a credit to the profession, being General Counsel for St Vincent de Paul Queensland and actively involved in Epilepsy Queensland Inc. for more than 15 years.
“She initially provided pro bono legal services for Epilepsy Queensland Inc. and is now Chairman of their Board,” Ms L’Estrange said.
“Her commitment to the community also extends to being a member of Queensland Health’s Human Research Ethics Committee.”
The annual Agnes McWhinney Award is named for Australia’s first female solicitor, admitted in Townsville in 1915.
Other awards presented at the Woman Lawyers Association of Queensland’s 2011 Awards Dinner included:
- Woman Lawyer of the Year 2011: Teresa Dyson
- Regional Woman Lawyer of the Year 2011: Di Turner
- Emergent Woman Lawyer of the Year 2011: Diane Ruhl.
Business and Human Rights Seminar
Mallesons Stephen Jaques and the QUT Faculty of Law will be holding their inaugural Business and Human Rights seminar on 31 October 2011. The title of this year’s seminar is “The Right Path for Business”.
Professor Bryan Horrigan will provide his perspective on the topic in a seminar which will give practical insights into:
â¢Â how human rights relate to business
â¢Â how business can integrate human rights and corporate social responsibility in corporate governance
â¢Â what a company should consider in relation to human rights in multiple due diligence contexts
This seminar will also explore the significance and consequences of recent international developments in this area, including the UN Human Rights Council endorsing Professor John Ruggie’s “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”. These developments have further encouraged stakeholders to look at the effects of human rights on business both within Australia and overseas.
Professor Bryan Horrigan
Professor Bryan Horrigan is the Louis Waller Chair of Law and Associate Dean (Research) at Monash University, and a long-standing legal and governmental consultant in public and corporate law and governance. He is the author of the recent internationally published book Corporate Social Responsibility in the 21st Century: Debates, Models and Practices Across Government, Law and Business.
Date: Monday 31 October 2011
Time: 12.45pm for 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Venue: Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Level 30 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane
A light lunch will be served
Child and Adolescent Forensic Mental Helath Conference
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry are delighted to present this event which will take place in the historic harbour-side setting of The Rocks, Sydney.
The event will be held over a five day period from Tuesday 8 to Saturday 12 November 2011 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney and will include a three day workshop (8-10 November 2011) and a two day conference (11-12 November 2011).
An exciting and diverse scientific program will be headlined by a keynote presentation from Professor Susan Bailey who will be joined by her colleague Ms Maeve Murphy, Clinical Nurse Specialist, FACTS Team, Adolescent Forensic Service and other speakers in what will be an intriguing scientific program with wide appeal.
Opportunities to relax and enjoy the company of friends and colleagues old and new will be provided courtesy of the conference dinner, which will take place on the evening of Friday 11 November 2011.
For registration and further information please visit the website.
A lighter moment in the practice of law
The relationship of trust between a barrister and their instructing solicitor is sacrosanct. After all the law is a serious business (well not always).
(Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty)
The Complaint – The need for Bear essentials
Dear Ahab,
Apart from the absence of a bear riding a small tricycle, the circus of the Simpson matter once again lumbered into town.
I appeared to protect your virtue of course. Mr. C appeared on behalf of Mr & Mrs G. Mr. B was to appear via telephone on behalf of Fred, but he missed the train and the circus rolled on without him.
The star of the show, the sister appeared in person via telephone. Of course his Honour was less than impressed with the fact that as captain of the sinking vessel, the matter was unlikely to be determined with the expeditious efficiency once contemplated by His Honour.
The sister as per usual was conservative with the information that she provided to the Court as to her living circumstances. This of course did not go down well with his Honour and following some reminisces as to the state of the evidence at trial by yours truly, His Honour ordered that the sister provide an affidavit outlining her circumstances including the reasons for her move, her living arrangements and her proposals.
As a result of further whingeing on my part it was also ordered that the sister’s “housemate”’ provide an affidavit as to his circumstances. This appeared necessary as the sister suggested that he was not a person who she was in a relationship with. This was of course the infamous “Chewbacca defence” which the sister had already played unsuccessfully at trial regarding her last friend Bert.
His Honour’s temperament was not assisted by the sister’s death knell interjection as to what orders should be made for her. It was at this point, that the bear with the tricycle should have been dispatched, but alas as you have failed to brief me with the same I could not deploy said bear.
As fun as this outing was, I am still hopeful of getting paid and should be grateful if you could forward some form of legal aid proforma.
The Response
Dear Nemo

Never let it be said that I leave any stone unturned in providing my instructions.
The Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2010 Now Available
The Supreme Court History Program Yearbook, now in its sixth year of publication, has proven a valuable addition to the libraries of historians and lawyers alike. As the only publication of its kind in Queensland, the Yearbook features scholarly articles on Queensland’s legal history, together with tributes to retiring judges, legal personalia and a review of significant judicial and legislative developments for the year. This volume serves as a significant resource for those seeking an overview and enduring record of the Queensland legal profession in 2010.
Download the order form here.
Film Release – The First Grader
Directed by Justin Chadwick, The First Grader will be released on 17 November 2011.
Synopsis: In a small, remote mountain top primary school in the Kenyan bush, hundreds of children are jostling for a chance for the free education newly promised by the Kenyan government.
One new applicant causes astonishment when he knocks on the door of the school. He is Maruge (Oliver Litondo), an old Mau Mau veteran in his eighties, who is desperate to learn to read at this late stage of his life. He fought for the liberation of his country and now feels he must have the chance of an education so long denied – even if it means sitting in a classroom alongside six-year-olds.
Moved by his passionate plea, head teacher Jane Obinchu (Naomie Harris who will be seen later as Moneypenny in Bond23), supports his struggle to gain admission and together they face fierce opposition from parents and officials who don’t want to waste a precious school place on such an old man.
Full of vitality and humour, the film explores the remarkable relationships Maruge builds with his classmates some eighty years his junior. Through Maruge’s journey, we are taken back to the shocking untold story of British colonial rule 50 years earlier where Maruge fought for the freedom of his country, eventually ending up in the extreme and harsh conditions of the British detention camps.
To view the trailer and for further information visit
Free Tickets
To celebrate the release of the film the Association has been offered 10 double passes to a special preview being held on the evening of 16 November 2011 at a City location. Members interested in attending this event should email .
Justice for All Conference
The International Criminal Court – Ten Years in Review
The conference will mark the 10th anniversary of the operation of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
It will examine the contribution of the ICC to the achievement of gender justice, and analyse the uneven participation of Asia Pacific states within the ICC framework.
Speakers include ICC President, Judge Sang-Hyun Song, ICC Registrar Silvana Arbia, ICC Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, Christian Wenaweser President, ASP and a number of renowned academic,
government and civil society experts on the Court.
To coincide with the conference, American playwright and women’s rights activist, Eve Ensler, will deliver the Australian Human Rights Centre Annual Public Lecture at the Sydney
Theatre Company on 12 February 2012.
When: 13 — 15 February 2012
Where: John Niland Scientia,UNSW, Sydney, Australia
For more information and online registration please visit
Asia-Pacific Coroners Society 2011 Conference
7-10 November 2011
The theme of this year’s conference is “Australasian coronial systems 20 years after the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: achievements and challenges.” It has been 20 years since the watershed Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. It is widely recognised that the Commission was a catalyst for reform of the coronial systems of Australia. 20 years on, it is appropriate to reflect on how successful those reforms have been and to debate the future direction of coronial systems in Australasia.
Key speakers:
- Hal Wootten AC QC is a former NSW Supreme Court Judge and was a Commissioner to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
- Professor Derrick Pounder is Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Dundee. He has extensive experience in the coronial systems of England and Scotland and also in relation to the investigation of deaths in custody internationally.
- Professor Colin Tatz AO is a sociologist with expertise in indigenous suicide and the coronial system.
Professor Diego De Leo is the Director of the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention and an internationally recognised suicidologist.
- Ian Freckelton SC is an eminent member of the Victorian Bar with extensive experience in the coronial jurisdiction.
Registration details can be found here.
IBA Annual Conference
30 October to 4 November 2011
Registration details and the preliminary programme information are now available for the 2011 IBA Annual Conference.
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, will deliver the keynote speech at this year’s opening ceremony. A seasoned diplomat, Dr ElBaradei served three terms as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); an autonomous intergovernmental organisation under the auspices of the United Nations. He is a staunch advocate of nuclear disarmament, and promotes open and fair standards to guide the peaceful use of nuclear technology for development. In October 2005, Dr ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts ‘to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.’
In 2011, Dr ElBaradei emerged as a high-profile opposition figure in the Egyptian protests that culminated in Hosni Mubarak’s resignation. He continues to be a voice for change in Egypt’s march toward democracy, calling for open dialogue, transparent legal standards and respect for human rights.
The IBA Annual Conference is the opportunity for legal professionals from around the world to meet and discuss key developments across multiple jurisdictions. In the current uncertain economic climate, it is ever more crucial to be fully informed and to the best of our ability. As the global voice of the legal profession, the IBA is uniquely qualified to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to do so.
Register before Friday 29 July to receive the early registration discount.