1. The frequency of the presentation of written submissions in proceedings warrants steps to preserve them for future reference, for example should there be an appeal, and to ensure their availability for inspection by an interested person, in order to maintain the public transparency of the judicial process.
2. The purpose of this practice direction is therefore to ensure that where written submissions are presented by or on behalf of a party:
a. the submissions will be retained on the court file in relation to the proceeding, and thereby available for future reference in the proceeding; and
b. the submissions are available for search under Rule 981 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules.
3. Unless the court otherwise orders, it will therefore be taken that where written submissions are presented by or on behalf of a party in a proceeding, there is a concurrent grant of leave that they be filed and read.
4. In such situations, the Judge’s Associate, or other proper officer of the court, will endorse the file in relation to the proceeding, recording the filing and reading of the submissions and identifying the submissions (as to the relevant party, and date), and will place a copy of the submissions on the file in the appropriate place.
5. Where such submissions are presented, two copies should be provided, one for the file and one “working copy” for the Judge.
Paul de Jersey Chief Justice 28 October 2008
Inquiry into Certain Contemporary Electoral Matters – Queensland Parliament’s Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee
The Queensland Parliament’s Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee is examining Queensland’s electoral system to ensure the provision of free, honest and fair elections and the accessibility of enrolment and voting, with particular regard to the conduct of the 2004 and 2006 State elections.
The Committee invites your suggestions for electoral reform at a Citizens’ Forum in Mackay:
- 11.30am-3.00pm, Friday, 14 November 2008
- Mackay Regional Council Administration Building, cnr Gordon and Wellington Streets
Members of Queensland’s legal community are also invited to attend a public hearing as observers:
- 10.00am-2.00pm, Monday, 24 November 2008
- Undumbi Room, Parliamentary Annexe, George Street, Brisbane City.
RSVP to the Committee Secretariat:
Ph: (07) 3406 7307
For further information visit the Committee’s website:
Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture – Effect of Patents on the Agricultural Industry

A team of researchers headed by Professor Brad Sherman from the Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (ACIPA) within the TC Beirne School of Law, have been awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant to study the effect of patents on the agricultural industry.
ACIPA aims to produce high quality research focusing on intellectual property in agriculture, and to highlight the unique and distinctive intellectual property issues that arise in the agriculture sector.
“In the last ten years there has been a shift towards patenting new plants, microorganisms and animals,” said Professor Sherman.
“This trend has the potential to transform existing research, development arrangements and industry practices in Australia.”
“By looking at the effects this trend has had on the agricultural industry, the project will provide a critical analysis of the ongoing relevance of intellectual property in this important field.”
For further information contact Ms Carol Ballard on (07)3346 7506 or email or visit

CPD Seminar 38 – Pupils & Junior Bar Criminal Law Advocacy Series: Committals Part II – 12 November 2008
Robert Mulholland QC, David Boddice S.C., Ralph Devlin S.C., Gary Long S.C., Kerri Mellifont and Elizabeth Wilson are the presenters of the second program, Committals, in the Puplis & Junior Bar Criminal Law Advocacy Series. This program is especially intended for all pupils and those in their first years of practice. The seminar will take place in the Bar Common Room, Inns of Court, Brisbane on 12 November 2008. For more information and to register, CLICK HERE.
FLPA 30th Anniversary Dinner – 14 November 2008
The 30th Anniversary Dinner of the Family Law Practitioners’ Association of Queensland will take place at the Brisbane Hilton on 14 November 2008. For more information contact the FLPA on (07) 3829 9538 or email
WA Lee Equity Lecture – Equity’s Australian Isolationism – 19 November 2008
The Honourable Justice Kirby AC CMG is the speaker at this year’s WA Lee Equity Lecture, Equity’s Australian Isolationism, which will take place at Lecture Theatre Z411, QUT Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane on 19 November 2008. To RSVP, email or call (07) 3138 1058.
Third ABA Residential Trial Advocacy Course – 19-23 January 2009
Members are advised that registrations have opened for the Third ABA Residential Advocacy Course to be held at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management in Sydney from 19 to 23 January 2009. Further information can be obtained from Mr Chris D’Aeth on telephone 02 9229 1712 or via email
ABA Conference, Strasbourg and London – 26 June to 1 July 2009
Expressions of interest are now being taken for the Australian Bar Associations Conference to be held in Strasbourg and London between 26 June and 1 July 2009. The conference will commence in Strasbourg with a full day session in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and will conclude with a Gala Dinner at Lincoln’s Inn, London.The names of those interested will be placed on a Priority List to receive a registration brochure prior to any general mailout. Please send your full contact details to Dan O’Connor by facsimile to (07) 3236 1180 or by email to
Fulbright Symposium – US-AUS Free Trade Agreement – 24 & 25 August 2009
The economic and relationship impact of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement will be the focus of the Fulbright Symposium to be held in Canberra on 24 and 25 August 2009.
Organisers Dr Robert Burrell and Ms Kimberlee Weatherall from UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law said the symposium will assess the real impact of the agreement and raise debate over whether such an agreement has any economic or political relationship benefits. The symposium will cover a broad range of policy areas in the agreement including intellectual property, agriculture, television and film content and funding rules, pharmaceutical and health policy. For more information contact Teola Marsh on (07) 3365 2523 or email
Family Law Conference – Adelaide