Swearing-in Ceremony for the Hon Justice Peter Lyons – 10 February 2009
The swearing-in ceremony to mark the occasion of the appointment of Peter Lyons QC as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland took place in the Banco Court on 10 February 2009. To download a a copy of the address delivered by the Chief Justice, CLICK HERE.
Swearing-in Ceremony for Magistrates McGrath, Magee and Sturgess – 11 February 2009
Members are advised that the swearing-in ceremony to mark the appointments of Magistrates John McGrath (Rockhampton), Kerry Magee (Southport) and Virginia Sturgess (Ipswich) took place in Court 34, Brisbane Magistrates Court on 11 February 2009.
Australia Day Honours 2009
The Honorable Justice K.A. Cullinane was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) “For service to the judiciary and to the law, to the James Cook University, and to the community of North Queensland” in the Australia Day Honours announced on 26 January 2009.
Review of Civil Cases (Supreme Court, Brisbane)
The Honourable Justice J H Byrne will hold a review at 9.15 am on Tuesday, 17 February 2009, when civil trial dates will be allocated.
If a request for trial date has been filed, trial dates may be obtained from the civil list manager before 2.00 pm on Monday, 16 February 2009. Otherwise, representatives of the parties with knowledge of the case (see Practice Direction 4 of 2000, paras 22-24) should attend the review.
The review will be held in Court 16, 3rd floor of the Law Courts Complex.
Contact Craig Hogan, Civil List Manager, on 3247 4311 or email CivilListManager@courts.qld.gov.au for more information.
Email Service for Draft Orders in the Supreme Court
An email service is now available for Supreme Court draft orders. Draft orders can be forwarded to SDC.orders@justice.qld.gov.au
Please note: this service does not apply to orders made in the Court of Appeal, the Planning and Environment Court or the District Court (Appellate Jurisdiction).
District Court Civil Callover
A callover for the period 2 March 2009 – 8 May 2009 inclusive will be held before Her Honour, the Chief Judge on Tuesday, 17 February 2009 at 2.30pm (Court 17, Level 3). Parties or their legal representatives should attend. Please contact the District Court Civil List Manager on 3247 4421 or email dc-civillistmanager@justice.qld.gov.au for more information.
CPD Seminar 3 – Personal Succession for Barristers – 18 February 2009
Mr Paul Gleeson is the presenter of the lunchtime CPD Seminar, Personal Succession for Barristers, which will take place at the Bar Common Room, Inns of Court, Brisbane on 18 February 2009. The seminar will focus on the importance of having a valid and up to date Will; Testamentary Trusts, Power of Attorney and Enduring Power of Attorney documents; and Advance Health Directives. To register, call (07) 3238 5109 or email shaynegoodwin@qldbar.asn.au.
CPD Seminar 4 – BAQ/TIA Inaugural Twilight Seminar – Raftland Decision – 19 February 2009
David Russell QC is the presenter of the BAQ/TIA Inaugural Twilight Seminar, Raftland Decision, which will take place on 19 February 2009. The Raftland Decision deals with Trust Distributions, Present Entitlement, Section 100A, Accounting Priniciples and Trust Losses. David Russell QC will analyse this decision with additional commentary from Deputy President Philip Hack S.C. To register, call (07) 3238 5109 or email shaynegoodwin@qldbar.asn.au.
CPD Seminar 5 – Corporations List Practice in the Federal Courts Queensland Registry – 24 Feburary 2009
Corporation List Judges and Reigstrars are the presenters of CPD Seminar 5 which will be chaired by the Honourable Justice Dowsett. The seminar will focus on practices, procedures and developments in the jurisdiction. For more information, call (07) 3238 5109 or email shaynegoodwin@qldbar.asn.au.

BAQ Annual Conference – 6-8 March 2009
The Bar Association of Queensland’s Annual Conference will once again take place at the Sheraton Mirage, Gold Coast from 6 to 8 March 2009. Attending members will be awarded 10 CPD points in all mandatory strands. Please note that Early Bird Registration closes on 16 January 2009. For more information and to download a registration form, CLICK HERE.
Annual McPherson Law Lecture Series 2009
The T.C. Beirne School of Law will again host the Annual McPherson Law Lecture Series which will be held on 9, 11 and 12 March 2009 in the Banco Court, Supreme Court Building, Brisbane. The 2009 speaker will be Professor Sarah Worthington from the London School of Economics and Political Science. The topic of the series is Equity: Fantasy and Morals and the lectures will focus on equity in modern commercial markets. To register and for more information visit www.law.uq.edu.au/mcpherson or contact the T.C. Beirne School of Law Research Administration Office by email at research@law.uq.edu.au or ‘phone (07) 3365 2206
See You in Court – Camerata of St John’s – 20 March 2009
Members are invited to attend a fundraising concert, See You in Court, by the Camerata of St John’s at the Banco Court, the Law Courts Complex, Brisbane on 20 March 2009. Cost is $85 per person and the concert will commence at 5.30 pm. For more information visit www.camerata.net.au and to RSVP call (07) 3371 8132 or email camerata@camerata.net.au
Career Mentors Needed for QUT Students
Members are invited to participate in the Queensland University of Technology’s careers mentor scheme which will run from March to October 2009. The scheme matches final-year students with people working in their chosen field. For more information call (07) 3138 2687 or email mentor@qut.edu.au.
ABA Conference, Strasbourg and London – 26 June to 1 July 2009
Due to the size and nature of the venues in both cities, members are advised that it has become necessary to impose a limit of 200 on places for registrants. Over 400 people have already expressed an interest in attending and over half of the places have already been taken. Members are urged not to delay in returning the registration form.
The conference will commence in Strasbourg on 26 June with a full day session in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and will conclude with a Gala Dinner at Lincoln’s Inn, London on 1 July 2009. It is accredited by the Bar Association of Queensland for CPD purposes and members have the opportunity of securing 10 points by attending. Please send your full contact details to Dan O’Connor by facsimile to (07) 3236 1180 or by email to mail@austbar.asn.au
Fulbright Symposium – US-AUS Free Trade Agreement – 24 & 25 August 2009
The economic and relationship impact of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement will be the focus of the Fulbright Symposium to be held in Canberra on 24 and 25 August 2009.
Organisers Dr Robert Burrell and Ms Kimberlee Weatherall from UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law said the symposium will assess the real impact of the agreement and raise debate over whether such an agreement has any economic or political relationship benefits. The symposium will cover a broad range of policy areas in the agreement including intellectual property, agriculture, television and film content and funding rules, pharmaceutical and health policy. For more information contact Teola Marsh on (07) 3365 2523 or email t.marsh@law.uq.edu.au