Inter Alia, Issue 99: March 2025
The Macquarie Dictionary states:
Adjective 1. Injurious to health. 2. Hurtful, harmful; injurious.
deleteriously, adverb – deleteriousness, noun.
The High Court said in Aon Risk Services Australia Limited v Australian National University [2009] HCA 27 (5 August 2009); (2009) 239 CLR 175; (2009) 258 ALR 14; (2009) 83 ALJR 951, per Gummow, Hayne, Crennan, Kiefel and Bell JJ:
- A party has the right to bring proceedings. Parties have choices as to what claims are to be made and how they are to be framed. But limits will be placed upon their ability to effect changes to their pleadings, particularly if litigation is advanced. That is why, in seeking the just resolution of the dispute, reference is made to parties having a sufficient opportunity to identify the issues they seek to agitate.
- In the past it has been left largely to the parties to prepare for trial and to seek the court’s assistance as required. Those times are long gone. The allocation of power, between litigants and the courts arises from tradition and from principle and policy[177]. It is recognised by the courts that the resolution of disputes serves the public as a whole, not merely the parties to the proceedings.
- Rule 21 of the Court Procedures Rules recognises the purposes of case management by the courts. It recognises that delay and costs are undesirable and that delay has deleterious effects, not only upon the party to the proceedings in question, but to other litigants. The Rule’s objectives, as to the timely disposal of cases and the limitation of cost, were to be applied in considering ANU’s application for amendment. It was significant that the effect of its delay in applying would be that a trial was lost and litigation substantially recommenced. It would impact upon other litigants seeking a resolution of their cases. What was a “just resolution” of ANU’s claim required serious consideration of these matters, and not merely whether it had an arguable claim to put forward. A just resolution of its claim necessarily had to have regard to the position of Aon in defending it. An assumption that costs will always be a sufficient compensation for the prejudice caused by amendment is not reflected in r 21. Critically, the matters relevant to a just resolution of ANU’s claim required ANU to provide some explanation for its delay in seeking the amendment if the discretion under r 502(1) was to be exercised in its favour and to the disadvantage of Aon. None was provided.
In CDL v Commissioner of Police [2024] QCA 245 (6 December 2024), Bowskill CJ said:
[18] As long ago as 1994, this Court endorsed the importance of general and specific deterrence, as well as denunciation, in sentencing for offences of this kind, particularly by repeat offenders. In R v Wood [1994] QCA 297, at p 5, McPherson JA and Ambrose J, with the agreement of Pincus JA, said:
“Domestic violence orders imposing restraints of the kind involved here are practically speaking the only available means of curbing in advance conduct in the domestic context that is violent or likely to lead to violence. Unless breaches of such orders are, and are well known to be, visited with appropriate severity, they will quickly lose their value in the minds both of those who obtain them and of those who are subject to them. Apart from orders of that kind, the ordinary criminal law, operating as it does only after the event, arrives too late to be an effective deterrent. The wrongdoer is liable to prosecution and punishment, but only after the injury has, sometimes with fatal consequences, already been inflicted.”
[19] As a community, we know only too well the appalling truth of those observations. As McMurdo P said, in R v Fairbrother; Ex parte Attorney-General (Qld) [2005] QCA 105 at [23]:
“Domestic violence is an insidious, prevalent and serious problem in our society. Victims are often too ashamed to publicly complain, partly because of misguided feelings of guilt and responsibility for the perpetrator’s actions. Members of the community are often reluctant to become involved in the personal relationships of others where domestic violence is concerned. Perpetrators of domestic violence often fail to have insight into the seriousness of their offending, claiming an entitlement to behave in that way or at least to be forgiven by the victim and to evade punishment by society. Domestic violence has a deleterious on-going impact not only on the immediate victim but on the victim’s wider family and ultimately on the whole of society. It is not solely a domestic issue; it is a crime against the State warranting salutary punishment. The cost to the community in terms of lost income and productivity, medical and psychological treatment and on-going social problems is immense. Perpetrators of serious acts of domestic violence must know that society will not tolerate such behaviour. They can expect the courts to impose significant sentences of imprisonment involving actual custody to deter not only individual offenders but also others who might otherwise think they can commit such acts with near impunity.”[9]